
SE: Repairing a Broken Soul 18

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Repairing a Broken Soul

Chapter 18: Soul? Jealous? Yeah Right

"They 'are' your friends right?"

"...Why do you only trust 'me' with your secret?"


The next morning, after saying "bye", Soul went ahead and went to the music hall to practice his song. That morning was almost too good to be true. He actually said "Good Morning" to me before I even knew he was out of his room, he took his medicine without a fuss—he got a little woozy. But he didn't pass out like the day before—he helped me off the bike, and held the doors open for me when we got to school. It was so…weird! But I liked it…I hoped that he'd keep doing it. I mean…he did do those things every once in awhile…but not all at once in one day! I hoped that it wasn't just a faze…

I crossed my fingers as I entered the classroom and prayed that he wouldn't stop just as I saw Tsubaki and Black*Star sitting at their desk in the front. I waved to get her attention and she looked up from her book. "Oh Maka." She said. Her sweet and kind smile that I was so familiar with appeared on her face and she pointed to the upper left corner of the classroom. "The new schedules are up there on Marie-Sensei's desk." She then said to me.

"ok." I nodded to her and looked over to the desk and my eyes were immediately drawn to the board where the word "Schedules" was written in large, bold letters. Along with that, there was a large, bold arrow pointing to Marie-Sensei's desk to show everyone where they were exactly. I smiled a little and walked over to it to see a couple different stacks of the schedules. One stack for each letter in a name I guessed.

I went to the first stack of "A" names and searched through them. I soon came to one that was labeled "Albarn, Maka" and took it away from the others so I could read what I had. I walked over to Tsubaki and Black*Star's desk and then sat down on it to read. But my eyes went over to Black*Star, who was sleeping on the desk; a small bubble rising from his nose in a strangely cute way.

"Uh…is he…"

Tsubaki giggled and patted Black*Star on the head with her free hand. "He was really tired this morning." She then told me. "He had been working out all night. I told him to stop but he insisted." She looked at him while smiling and then looked at me again. "But he'll wake up as soon as the bell rings though."

I shook my head as I rolled my eyes and looked at my schedule. Of course I had this class for first period. Second period though, instead of math with Sid-Sensei, I was a T.A for him. Wait what? I signed up for T.A during fourth period…Slightly confused I read the rest of the schedule over. I saw that P.E was in my third period and my Honors Biology was fourth period.

"What the hell…"

"Oh that's right, you don't know." Tsubaki said; seeing the confusion in my expression. I looked at her and she giggled before pointing to her schedule, which laid on the table in between us. "They don't assign the classes in the periods you want." She then said to me. "All you do is sign up for the classes you want to take and they jumble up the periods and what times you'll take those classes." I breathed out an "Oh…" and looked over her paper.

'Nakatsukasa, Tsubaki
Period 1: English Studies-Marie
Period 2: Algebra 2-Sid
Period 3: Physical Education-Nygus
Period 4: Geography-Yumi'

I looked at my schedule again and saw that we had first, second, and third period together. Well, my schedule wasn't really what I wanted but I guessed that it was ok since I had classes with Tsubaki for sure. At least I was still in the classes I chose in the first place. Curious on what Black*Star got, I leaned over and looked at his.

Period 1: English Studies-Marie
Period 2: Physical Education-Nygus
Period 3: Algebra 1-Sid
Period 4: Teacher's Assistant-Nygus'

It made sense that he'd be the T.A for the P.E teacher. He was pretty athletic and he was always cooperating in the class. Well that's what Tsubaki told me and I do remember him having the best grade in the class back in elementary. I wondered how good Soul was in P.E…That also made me wonder what he had on his schedule… What did he take for his fourth period anyway? He wasn't going to take the Music class…so…what did he take?

I looked up as a few students entered the classroom and grabbed their schedules to go and sit down in their seats. I eyed Marie-Sensei's desk and slid off of Tsubaki and Black*Star's. I then began walking over to the desk; looking at the doorway everyone in awhile to make sure Soul didn't decide to come to class early. He wasn't there though, thank goodness. So I was free to take a look at his schedule. And his schedule was exactly the next thing I picked up. After looking at the door one last time, I read it over.

'Eater, Soul
Period 1: English Studies-Marie
Period 2: Teacher's Assistant-Stein
Period 3: Physical Education-Nygus
Period 4: Music and Instruments-Marie
*Individual lessons'

I smiled. Not just because I had P.E with him, but because he took the music class. He actually chose to take the 'music' class! I didn't care if he was taking the Individual lessons…all I cared about was that he was actually taking it! That's all that mattered! He listened to me. I was beginning to really like his change. He was doing things for me…and now all of a sudden he was actually listening to me! 'Please Soul…keep doing this—"

The bell rang; nearly making me jump from my skin. I quickly put his schedule down where I found it and hurried over to my seat. Students rushed in to take their seats, as well as the OCD child, Death the Kid. He had such a happy and relaxed smile on his face; though he still looked a little tired. I almost forgot he liked Tuesdays just as much as I liked Mondays…I had no idea why though… "Hey Kid." I greeted with a smile. "How are you today?"

Kid turned his head and smiled back at me. "Hello Maka-San." He then said. "I'm quite tired this morning. But I guess I'm doing well." I knew exactly why he was tired. He took so long to get ready for school, that he and the sisters woke up about three or four hours earlier than Soul and I would usually wake up. If not, he'd be hours late to class. "What about you? How are you this fine morning?"

"Wonderful" I answered happily. "You should have seen Soul this morning Kid!" I couldn't resist. I just had to tell him. "He did so many nice things for me this morning. It was so odd…but he was so nice…" Kid lifted a brow at me in disbelief. I knew exactly how hard it was for him to believe that. "I know, I know. I'm starting to believe it wasn't really him too…" The bell rang once again and the door opened for Marie-Sensei's entrance; mumbling something about getting lost again. She then asked if everyone had their schedules; reminding me to ask Kid to see his. "Oh, Kid, can I see your new classes?"

"Oh yes of course." Kid answered; handing me the paper in front of him. "May I see yours as well?" He then asked me. I nodded and handed him my schedule so he could look over it at the same time. After he began reading mine, I looked at his and began reading.

'Death the Kid
Period 1: English Studies-Marie
Period 2: Honors Biology-Stein
Period 3: Art and Literature-Joe
Period 4: Geography-Yumi'

Wow…his classes sounded a little upper classed. He must have been pretty smart. "Well it looks like we have…" I began as I read it over again to double check it. "Nothing together…" I then said; a little upset. I handed him back the paper and saw that he had just about the same expression on. "Just this class."

"Take a look at ours!"

I looked up and saw Liz and Patty standing in front of our desk; both wearing smiles. They, at the same time, set their schedules down and slid them over to me so I could look. Then I, in return, slid mine over to them so they could look at mine too.

'Thompson, Elizabeth
Period 1: English Studies-Marie
Period 2: Algebra 2-Sid
Period 3: Physical Education-Nygus
Period 4: Teacher's Assistant-Marie'

'Thompson, Patricia
Period 1: English Studies-Marie
Period 2: Algebra 1A-Sid
*Individual Lessons
Period 3: Physical Education-Nygus
Period 4: Algebra 1B-Sid'

"OK!" I said; to get the sisters' attention. I then looked at Liz. "Liz, we have this class-of course-period two, and period three together." I then said to her with a smile. The older blond smiled and took her schedule away from me to look it over again as her sister beside her looked at me with eager eyes. "And Patty…" I looked at the youngest Thompson. "You and I have all those classes together too." She seemed to throw her fist in the air to cheer before running back over to her seat with her sister.

I wasn't too sure why I was telling them what classes we had together. I mean…they were looking at my schedule too weren't they? They could have just told themselves what they had—WAIT! Hold the phone…Liz was a T.A for Marie-Sensei's fourth period class! That probably meant that she was going to hear Soul's piano playing! Oh that lucky…'No!' I thought; realizing that I was glaring at the eldest Thompson sister. 'Calm down Maka…just calm down…' I shut my eyes to take a deep breath and the door opened.

"Sorry I'm late."

"It's ok Soul." I heard Marie-Sensei say after Soul's voice was heard. I opened my eyes again to see him hand the teacher a yellow slip before taking his schedule off of her desk. Then, as he made his way up the lane between the desks, I got a little curious if he'd show it to me or not. So, to test the theory out, I leaned over to the right and behind Kid to get Soul's attention as he walked by.

"Hey, can I see your sched—"


I didn't even get the chance to finish my question! He must have 'really' didn't want me to read it. 'Taking the class behind my back and in secret are we…' I thought; sitting back straight in my seat. Though…My eyes soon narrowed sadly as I realized…his good behavior may have already ended.


"Thank you Albarn-San" Sid-Sensei said to me as I handed him the stack of papers he asked me to get from my Papa in front of Shinigami-Sama's office. It was a huge stack, complete with about one hundred or two hundred different pieces of paper! It was heavy…and it was very hard to see where I was walking. I accidentally bumped into Kim and her best friend Jacqueline when they were on their way to the bathroom. I was so glad they were willing to help me pick all the papers back up. It may have took pretty much the whole period…but it probably would have been much longer without them.

"Hey, Tsubaki."

I looked over my shoulder as I stapled papers together for Sid-Sensei. A few feet behind me, Liz and Tsubaki were sitting right next to each other. I believe it was Liz's voice I heard. I was sure Tsubaki wouldn't call for herself. I shrugged and went back to doing my job. That is…until I heard Liz's voice again. "You notice what's up with Soul lately?" I stopped mid-staple and looked up to stare the wall in the face. What? Were they actually gossiping about Soul?

"No…What do you mean?" I heard Tsubaki ask. Curious, I looked over my shoulder. They were leaning close together as if trying to be sneaky. But I could hear them perfectly fine. My brow lifted and I looked forward once more to begin stapling the papers again. No matter how curious I was, I wasn't going to get all caught up in their gossiping. It would probably come back to me in a bad way.

"He seems to be obsessed with her and her attention…don't you think?"

Whoa! Hold on a moment! Soul was obsessed with something? Not just something…someone? But who's attention? Liz did say 'her' attention…but who was this "she" they're talking about? 'Does he like someone…?' I thought; now writing on the stapled papers. My eyes narrowed sadly. No…if he liked someone…then that would defiantly mean he didn't like me…I tried to listen to them to see who this girl was. I could probably do something to her face or hair…or maybe introduce her to my book…

"With who?"

"Who do you think?"



Any movement I was making at that moment froze in an instant and I blinked; completely and totally baffled and speechless.

…What? Soul was obsessed with…me? He was obsessed with 'me' and 'my' attention? What a load of baloney! What an incredibly stupid thing to even think about! Soul wasn't-no-'couldn't' be obsessed with anything that 'I' had! Impossible! Soul could never like me or my attention! He barely paid any attention to 'me' when I would talk to 'him'. What was wrong with Liz? How could anyone in their right mind even say that? Anyone who knew Soul and the twisted kind of person he was would know how wrong and how false that assumption was! I couldn't believe it! I 'refused' to believe it!


Just as the bell rang, my pencil broke from my frustration since I wouldn't stop squeezing it. I wasn't going to believe a single word that they said—If I liked it or not! No way, no how! I nodded to myself in approval and stepped out of the classroom after handing Sid-Sensei all the papers I had been working on. I ignored Liz's calls as I stormed down the hall. 'No.' I thought; glaring forward. I wasn't sure if I was going to last around her and Tsubaki during lunch. I'd probably just go see my Papa and eat with him. I was sure he'd like that very much.

"Hey, Maka!"

I stopped to the familiar voice. But I only stopped because it wasn't any of my usual friends that hung out with me and the gang. He wasn't Kid, he wasn't Black*Star and that kind and sweet voice certainly didn't belong to Soul. It was just Tod Lancy. Yes…he spelt his name with only 'one' "d". Tod was just an ordinary and average everyday student like all the others. He didn't have any faults and obsessions like the rest of my gang. He was actually a normal person. He had no obsessions whatsoever…unlike my friends…

Kid had his obsession with symmetry, Liz had an obsession with her nails and hair, Patty had her obsession of Giraffes, Tsubaki was obsessed with being worried, Black*Star was obsessed with himself and being smarter than the gods, I'm obsessed with books and school, and apparently Soul is obsessed with me…


Blinking, I came back to reality and saw Tod looking at me with a raised brow. "Oh…Uh…hey, Tod." I greeted with a smile. "If you need anything, do you think you can make it quick." I then said. "I'm not trying to sound rude, but I'm kind of in a hurry." Tod nodded and went to speak, but his mouth shut. I lifted a brow as I watched his expression. He seemed to be thinking about what he was going to say. "Something wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head and began to laugh nervously. What was he up to…?

"Sorry." Tod muttered as he scratched the back of his head; looking over to the left nervously. "I totally prepared myself for this. But once I got to the real deal I froze up." He laughed a little more, but I only gave him a confused expression. What the hell was he talking about? "So…uh…I was wondering…" he started. "Maka…would you…uh…" I deepened the expression on my face to tell him how confused I was. So he gulped and went on with it…or at least he tried…he kept stuttering.

'Oh jeez…' I thought; looking away to my left. And that's when I saw him. Soul Eater Evans doing about one of the most strangest things I had ever seen him do. He was walking-no-'storming' over to us with a glare in Tod's direction. He looked pissed. He looked 'angry'…like a savage dog ready to attack! He was grinding his teeth, making fists, and glaring holes in Tod's skull! What was his deal?

He wasn't jealous…was he?

Soul noticed that I was looking at him and immediately stopped mid-step. Then he just stared at me with an odd expression I couldn't really make out. Was it fear, panic, shock, or surprise? Or was it all of that at once? After a moment, I opened my mouth to say something to him. But he shoved his hands into his pockets, turned right and casually walked down a different hall as if unnoticed at all. Holy crap! Was he actually 'jealous'?

"Would you like to go to the Winter Ball with me?"

"Huh, what?" I looked at Tod after hearing this and saw that he was blushing. Did he really just ask me that? I had never been asked to a dance before…"Uh…look Tod…" I began; looking down from his face. "Y-You're a nice guy…I just..." Trailing off, I looked back up and immediately saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes. Ah damn… "Uh…don't get all upset about it!" I said with my hands up. "Look how 'bout I think about it?"

"Oh, ok, sure!"

Tod was smiling again, thank goodness. So we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Once he had disappeared down the hall, I turned to my left and walked down the opposite way he had gone. I came up to a corner on my left, slowly got closer, and peeked my head around it. And there he was. Soul had his hand up on his ear as he leaned on the wall; eyes shut in concentration as if he was trying to listen. He wasn't listening well though, or he'd probably know that we had said goodbye…

"What are you doing?"

He flinched and opened his eyes; completely startled. And after another moment or so of staring at me with lazily shocked eyes, he dropped his hand to put it in his empty pocket. "Nothin'" he then huffed; turning at the heel to walk away. I just stood there; shock plastered on my face. How did I not see it before? Liz may have been right.

Soul was actually jealous!
Oh are just too cute:iconimhappyplz: are just...*dreamy sigh*

BTW, Tod is an OC i made up mostly for this story! I might, i repeat, might put him in other stories. But Tod was created spacifically for this story. He's really a sweet guy but he and Soul dont get a long one bit...


There will be blood...:iconinternalinjuryplz:<---Soul


PART 17__[link]
PART 19__[link]

Soul Eater does not belong to me...if it did, Soul would have attacked Maka and smothered her in "Cool Guy" love by now -.-

:iconmakaplz: :iconsoulevansplz::iconblackstarplz::icontsubakiplz::icondeaththekidplz::iconlizthompsonplz::iconpattythompsonplz:
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